Liver Detox

Liver detox in the West Midlands

The Colonic Hydrotherapy Clinic provides liver cleanse and liver detox. We serve Shropshire, Herefordshire and the surrounding areas. Contact us for more information.  

Liver cleanse 

If you are taking medication, obtain the consent from your doctor before undergoing a liver cleanse. You will need 7 days for the course. The first 5 days can fit into your normal lifestyle, however the evening of day 6 and the whole of day 7 will require you to stay at home.

Ingredients needed

6 tablespoons plus 4 fluid ounces of cold pressed extra virgin oil
6 tablespoons of pure lemon juice
6 one litre boxes of pure apple juice
A strainer
4 level tablespoons of Epsom salts
2 pint jars (one with a lid)
2 fresh pink grapefruits
Black walnut tincture (optional)
Days 1 – 5

The purpose is to soften any stones in the liver and prepare for the cleanse.

  • Have a glass of warm water
  • 10 – 15 mins later mix and drink 1 tablespoon of olive oil and 1 tablespoon lemon juice
  • 1 hour later have breakfast
  • During the day drink 1 litre of apple juice by 6pm. Don’t drink just before the meal. If you feel uncomfortable, dilute the juice with some water
  • Continue with a normal intake of water (at least 1 litre a day)

Day 6

  • Drink your apple juice by 2pm
  • Have breakfast (no milk, sugar, coffee, tea, butter, yogurt, cheese, meat or eggs)
  • After 2pm have only water or you will fall ill
  • During noon mix 4 tablespoons Epsom salts in 24 oz of water. This will give you 4 servings of 6 fl.oz. each. Chill if preferred
  • At 6pm, drink your first dose of Epsom salt. Be near a toilet, once this starts to work you will not have much time.
  • At 8pm, drink the second dose of Epsom salts
  • At 9.30pm, if you have not had a bowel movement abort the cleanse.
  • 9.45pm, squeeze 6 fl.oz fresh grape fruit juice, straining to remove the pulp. Now mix with 4 fl.oz of olive oil into the other pint jar. Add 15 drops of black walnut tincture (optional, this kills parasites in the liver)
  • At 10pm, stand by your bed and drink the mixture in one go
  • Lie down immediately on your right side with your right knee drawn up to your chest. Lie perfectly still and quiet

Day 7
  • At 6am, drink the 3rd dose of Epsom salt. Then rest or sleep sitting upright in bed. Don’t be alarmed if your bowel movements produce bright green scum with brown/black bits. These are liver stones discharged from your system
  • At 8am, drink the last dose of Epsom salt. Now rest
  • At 10am, drink some freshly pressed juice
  • At 10.30am, you can eat a fruit
  • At 11.30am, start eating normal food but keep it light

You should start feeling good by mid-afternoon. If you experience burning around the anus, cover the area with Comfrey cream or Vaseline. Within 3 days have a colonic irrigation session as small stones may get caught in the colon causing irritation, headaches or abdominal discomfort. During this time, you can have a probiotic implant or take good probiotics daily for a month.

Call us now for herbal teas or to schedule an appointment with our hydrotherapist. We are also experts in colonic irrigation.
Colonic Hydrotherapy Clinic West Midlands
Call The Colonic Hydrotherapy Clinic if you would like more information about any of our treatments or recommendations.  
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